MS Otago AGM 2023

When: Saturday 25 March 2023
Time: 2.00 pm
Where: Dunningham Suite, 4th Floor, Dunedin Public Library and by Zoom

Please support your Society by attending this event.

Only MS Otago Members have the right to vote. You need to have joined by 5pm Friday 17 March 2023. It is free to join for 2023.

Visit to join.

The Nomination Form for Executive Committee Members are available below.

Continuing in their roles as Executive Committee members in 2023 are:

  • Tillie Lassman

There are 9 vacancies for Executive Committee Members and one vacancy for Vice President. An election will be held should numbers of nominations exceed the vacancies.

Members can nominate for each vacant position using the online Nomination Form, nominations need received before the AGM.

Proxy votes can be given using the online Proxy Nomination Form.

Buttons below will become live when papers become available – a black button indicates they are not ready yet.

Interested in standing?

MS Otago aims to empower people with Multiple Sclerosis, their families and carers by providing them with support to participate actively in the community in ways that are meaningful to them.

We employ a Community Connector to provide the support to clients and their families but the overall governance of MS Otago is handled by a committee of volunteers. There are 8 positions vacant on the committee this year. We are encouraging capable people who care about great lives for people with MS to join us!

The Committee has the job of looking ahead, anticipating what’s going to affect MS Otago, helping it avoid obstacles and ensuring it has what it needs to deliver on its mission. Our focus for 2023 will include:

  • Becoming a self-sustaining organisation
  • Reaching more people living with Multiple Sclerosis and related conditions (MSRC) and reaching them earlier
  • Developing stronger collaborations with other community groups and groups with associated conditions.

We invite people with a range of skills, expertise and experience to take up this exciting opportunity to be involved in creating MS Otago’s future!

Read the role description [PDF]

Don’t be put off if you haven’t been involved in a governance role before. The new committee will be undertaking governance training and this will help you understand the role. 

Members of the Society can stand for election to the committee but we also have the power to co-opt those with the right skills to help us deliver. If you have a talent and the passion to help please email MS Otago President Lorraine Johnston and let her know what you’d bring to the job.