MS Otago SGM 20 May 2024

Members are invited to attend this Special General Meeting of The Otago Multiple Sclerosis Society Inc.

When: Monday 20 May 2024
Time: 5:30pm
Where: Via Zoom: 

The 2024 MS Otago AGM was not quorate. A short SGM will be held to confirm what was agreed to in the AGM and to decide on the Annual membership subscription rate.

A decision concerning the re-registration of OMSS as an incorporated Society and the new constitution will be held over to a later date.

It is vital that we have a quorum for the SGM so that the approval of the annual documents can be ratified and the membership subscription can be decided.

Please attend this short meeting by zoom, or post your proxy vote by clicking on this link:

Please support your Society by attending this event.

Only MS Otago Members have the right to vote. It is free to join for 2024.

Visit to join.

Motions for the 2024 SGM

That the membership accepts the following decisions made at the meeting of 23 March 2024:The 2023 AGM Minutes are acceptedThe President’s Report is acceptedThe audited 2023 Performance Report be accepted.Lorraine Johnston is appointed as President.
An election was not necessary as the number of candidates was the same or less than the number of vacancies.
That the membership subscription for the year 2025 will be $20 including GST.

The committee proposes an annual membership subscription of $20. 

As a charity we do have ongoing costs. Whilst the committee is made up of volunteers, we do employ administration support and Katie, our community advisor, who is active in your communities and is absolutely available to support you through your MS journey. 

Katie spends time not only in Dunedin but travels into Central, South and to North Otago. Her reach is wide ranging and therefore does cost us as a Society. 

Just as a reminder, Katie has a great working relationship with the neuro team at Dunedin hospital and also a number of organisations supporting those with disability – she is here to help.

We will also continue to bring you activities and information via an upgraded website alongside our parent MSNZ national website. This takes an investment of time and money.

We hope that $20 is acceptable and achievable for most. It helps show that our membership also contributes to a society that relies heavily on charitable funding.

In cases of hardship consideration will be given to the waiving or reduction of the subscription fee  for the individual concerned.

Please email  if you wish to inquire.
