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E-Momentum Issue 4
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MS & Changes to Thinking and Memory
This booklet is for someone with MS, to provide a better understanding of the common problems with thinking and memory that can occur with MS. It explains some of the reasons for cognitive dysfunction, and suggests activities and resources that can help deal with the effects of these changes.
MS & Pain
This booklet outlines some of the common types of pain in Multiple Sclerosis and describes the range of treatments available
MS & Speech and Swallowing
This booklet offers an overview of the problems with speech and swallowing in MS and helps those with these difficulties to understand more. You should be read this booklet in conjunction with assistance and advice from medical professionals. [flipbook pdf=””]
MS & Sexuality and Intimacy
This booklet presents a discussion of intimacy and sexuality, and explores the ways MS can affect one’s sexual life. The information within provides a basic overview of the issues involved, and it is recommended that additional input be sought from health professionals where necessary.
MS & Spasticity
This booklet has been written to help lessen the impact of spasticity on your life. It contains information on the best ways to manage spasticity, including some strengthening exercises especially designed for people with MS.