MS & Visual Problems
This booklet discusses some of the basic facts about common eye problems that occur in MS, what help is available to you as well as what you can do to help yourself.
Click on any of the above tabs to find more information on Multiple Sclerosis, or forms, flyers and back issues of newsletters. If you still can’t find what you need please phone the office on (03) 4555 894
This booklet discusses some of the basic facts about common eye problems that occur in MS, what help is available to you as well as what you can do to help yourself.
The first section of this booklet explains bladder dysfunction caused by MS and describes the range of solutions available. The second part sets out to clarify the common bowel problems associated with MS, the range of solutions available and how these problems can be better managed in day to day life.
This publication is for the person with MS and for your family and friends, to provide you a better understanding of the emotional aspects of living with MS and to help you find ways of dealing with the changes the condition can bring.
This booklet describes strategies for reducing and overcoming fatigue that can make a significant difference in facing the day-to-day challenges of MS. It also explains the impact fatigue can have and helps people with MS (and others) to understand the condition better.
This booklet will answer many of your commonly-asked questions and, while some matters are only briefly touched on here, other information booklets in this series deal with particular issues in more depth.
This brochure will give the reader an outline of the role of MSNZ and how it can assist you in provision of resources, contacts, networks etc.
This is a free at-home educational series for people newly diagnosed with multiple sclerosis with the last 12 months, their families and support network. Knowledge is Power was first developed in the USA. It has been written by highly regarded professionals who know about MS and the effect it can have on your life and …
This brochure has basic information regarding the current services our Society is able to assist with.
This brochure has basic information regarding the current Otago groups and contact information.
Outward Bound – Pam Stock 23 October 2014 PHARMAC – Sharon Stevenson-Hall 20 November 2014 MS Support Groups – Margaret Matthews and Mel Hogue 4 December 2014 Neighbourhood Support – Kim Romerill 18 December 2014 Let’s Get Physical – Bronagh Quinn 1 January 2015 Parenting and MS – Kelly Adie …